About SeedOnomy
"I want to challenge growers to try something new, different, think out side the box, challenge themselves, be afraid to fail while expecting to succeed."
High Performing Seeds + Reliable Agronomy = Agricultural Success.
SeedOnomy started helping farmers grow more corn by placing the right hybrid on the right acre to maximize performance and since then has blossomed into a systems approach to helping growers become more profitable. Growers need to focus on three aspects - Physical, Chemical, and Biological. The physical is placing the seed into the right conditions which includes tillage, planter, and combine performance. 80% of yield potential is determined as the seed goes in the ground. The chemical is getting the right fertility to supply the plant everything it needs to produce a healthy plant and high quality grain. The biological is the health of the soil. It will provide a fertile medium for the plant to flourish. All three of these work together to help a crop thrive. If one of these three legs is out of balance, yield suffers and efficiency falters. If these are all in balance, we will see yields skyrocket and profitability rise.
We can see 1 + 1 = 3...or 4...or 5. Agriculture is always changing. We need to work continuously to seek higher yields, increase efficiency, continue to get better, try new practices and change the way we think about farming...If we can do this, we can get to 300 bu/acre of corn and 100 bu/acre of soybeans. We can be more profitable! The genetics and hybrids have been provided to us. It is up to us as growers to put these hybrids into the best possible situation to succeed. This is my passion and I want to pass what I am continuing to learn/try/experiment with on to you.
Zig Ziglar once said "The best way to get what you want is to help someone else get what they want." I want to help you become more profitable and have fun doing it. Farming for the last few years has been tough. Let's make farming fun, again!